About Us
The Adambrae Residents Association & Neighbourhood Watch was set up to make it less likely that crime and anti-social behaviour will occur in our area.
By being part of an active and caring community we hope that all residents will feel safer in their homes by simply looking out for each other.
Although we don't have many problems in Adambrae, it was felt that we could still benefit from an improved community spirit and more attention to security for all our homes, vehicles and communal areas.

Adambrae has 12 streets with a total of 391 homes and has many lovely pathways, trees, planting and a newly refurbished play park.
First Meeting
We have twice hand-delivered letters with membership forms to every home in Adambrae with details of the proposed Neighbourhood Watch and have had a great response.
Our first meeting went well with over one hundred turning up on the night and we had two police officers to help us with information.
PC Alan James addressed the meeting introducing himself and PC Alan Hodge who work together in this area and both have about 28 years police work in Edinburgh and other areas. He gave an update on the running of the old and new systems for policing in Scotland.
What we try to do now is be a bridge between communities – both ways. We would attend the watch meetings, bring crime trends and explain the problems that we see in the area and would also take problems you may have a way to deal with if necessary. We have eight or nine officers that work with us - If we see a problem we identify it to them and they dispatch police to go out and deal with the problem. This is a system that really works.
Conclusions from Meeting
It was decided that the watch will currently be run by a coordinator, using Facebook, emails, letters and website for communication.
If you want to contact our coordinator Diane directly please email diane@adambrae.com and she will endeavour to assist you.
Also, if you have any concerns or complaints about the communal areas that are covered by Greenbelt then please get in touch with our coordinator.
Things like litter, poor condition of planting/grass areas and new safety railings for one of the walkways over the burn have already been suggested.
Additionally, new neighbourhood watch signs and stickers were decided to be a good idea and this is currently being pursued.
Adambrae Residents Association & Neighbourhood Watch Timeline

Neighbourhood Watch Founded
After discussion between various residents in Hollyhock Glade, we decided to attempt starting a neighbourhood watch for Adambrae.
We sent out an initial letter for the proposed neighbourhood watch and received a great response which confirmed that it was a worthwhile and achievable goal.

Secret Facebook Group Created
We created a "secret" facebook group that is only for registered members of the neighbourhood watch who will be sent an invitation to join.
Members can, and indeed have, used this group to discuss anything related to the neighbourhood watch or other issues to do with Adambrae.
All members of a registered household can join - just email their details to our coordinator at diane@adambrae.com

First Meeting
Our first meeting was successfully held at the Crofthead Farm Community Centre.
We had PC Alan James & PC Alan Hodge attend the meeting to talk to the residents and provide additional information. Additionally, Davy Sherry from the Council Safer Neighbourhood Team attended.
It was decided that for the next 6 months or rather specifically, until the next meeting the Adambrae Neighbourhood Watch would be run by a single coordinator. You can contact Diane by her email diane@adambrae.com.

Play Area Signs
It was requested by members of the neighbourhood watch that dog owners please keep their dogs outside of the fenced Play Area - the council agreed to fund and install new signs to this effect as soon they could.
These two new signs are to be located at each entrance to the Play Area.
Both signs are now installed - as you can see from the above photo.

Website Launched
Our website was launched to provide information about our neighbourhood watch, security and any other things we thought might be helpful.

Latest Meeting
It was decided that the fee's would change to £2 per household for the whole year. (More details to follow shortly)