Knowledge & Advice
Simple crime prevention advice to reduce the chances of it happening to you or your neighbours.
Get Involved
Being part of an active community helps deter criminals and keeps you up to date with what's going on in your area.
Possible Insurance Benefits
If you are covered by a Watch, you are less likely to be a victim of burglary, which is why insurance companies sometimes offer discounts on home contents insurance.

Why Join?
The idea is simple - the more we, as neighbours look out for each other, the safer we will feel - and the less likely it is that crime and anti-social behaviour will occur in our area so we all can enjoy a better quality of life.
Keeping an eye out for unusual behaviour, unknown people and unfamiliar vehicles can help the whole community and especially the most vulnerable or isolated.

What will joining involve?
It is really up to you how involved you get with our Residents Association & Neighbourhood Watch and what you personally want to do.If you want to come along to any meetings we have then you would be most welcome to participate.
You may simply want to get information to improve you homes security.Perhaps you want to get to know your neighbours better to foster a better community spirit.Or you might just want to keep an eye out for your home and those of your neighbours.
Whatever level of involvement you choose to take, we'd like to thank you for your interest and hope that you can help us make Adambrae a safer place for all residents.

How do I Join?
By now you will have received several letters from us through your front door - each with a form on them.
If you choose to join, you'll have the following ways to get that completed form and payment back to us:
- You can simply fill the form in and return it to our co-ordinators local address
- You can email a good quality scan or photo of your completed form to our co-ordinator at
Returning Your Form
- You can return your £2 to our co-ordinators local address
- You can use our PayPal link to pay your £2 securely and remotely
Making Your £2 Payment
Costs of running the Residents Association & Neighbourhood Watch should be low, which is why we decided on the first year being just a single pound for each household. At out latest meeting it was decided that this was to be changed to £2 per year.
The costs will include, but not be restricted to - hire of hall, printing paper, printing toner, domain registration and website hosting.
You can pay your £2 fee by returning it with your completed form to our co-ordinators home or by using our PayPal link to pay securely and remotely.
We hope that this price will be the same for each subsequent year, and we will all decide together what will happen to any surplus funds each year e.g. roll it over to next year's funds, community event, improvement to Adambrae, charity donation.

I don't have a form - how do I join?
We know that some people may have misplaced their forms so if you require a new one then please fill in your details below and we will hand deliver a new form to your home.
This is the simplest and safest way we can ensure that only Adambrae residents have access to certain delicate information regarding the Residents Association & Neighbourhood Watch.
If you have more than one household member who wants to be added to our system to receive information and access to our secret Facebook group then please email us their name, mobile number and email address.